AFRADE – III virtual Seminar

The third and last virtual seminar of the AFRADE project is taking place on Monday, 17 June. This seminar addresses critical issues concerning administrative and criminal investigations of EU agricultural subsidy frauds at supranational level. In particular, it focuses on the differences in criminal provisions among EU member states on fraud patterns and how these impact prosecutors’ investigative activities, hindering their coordination, as well as their speed and effectiveness, including recovery measures. Confirmed speakers to this seminar include Professor Minko Georgiev, from the Agricultural University-Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Magg. Francesco Coppola (Special Public Spending and Community Fraud Repression Unit of the Italian ‘Guardia di Finanza’), dr. Francesco Caracciolo (European Public Prosecutor’s office), and dr. Vincenti Massimiliano (European Anti-Fraud Office – Olaf).

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